
#外国人 #在留資格 #経営管理

#経営管理ビザ は取得には非常に厳しいカテゴリーです。


そこで既に実績のある日本企業に日本人と共に経営参画したり、#M&A で日本企業を買収して経営権を得る、という方法の方が有効な場合があります。

#行政書士事務所VERDE では #事業承継 M&Aを事業としている会社と提携を結んでおります。日本で会社経営されたい外国人の方、是非弊所へお問合せください。

For business management VISA consultations, please contact the administrative scrivener office VERDE. We support foreigners starting a business in Japan.

#Foreigner #Residence status #Business management

#Business management visa is a very difficult category to obtain.

There are various difficult conditions, and if you set up a company in Japan from scratch, it will take time and money, and since the residence status (VISA) is also a “permission”, there is no guarantee that permission will be granted.

If permission is denied, it will be difficult to sell a company that has just been established and has no track record.

Therefore, it may be more effective to participate in the management of a Japanese company that already has a track record together with a Japanese person, or to acquire a Japanese company through #M&A and gain management rights.

#Administrative Scrivener Office VERDE has partnered with a company that deals in #Business Succession M&A. If you are a foreigner who wants to run a company in Japan, please contact us.

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